Why University Christian?

University Christian is more than a school. We are family!

Meet Our Faculty

University Christian School desires to lead every student to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We believe our mission is best achieved when intentio nal, deep relationships are formed.
Frank Ciresi
Jeleen Del Valle
Interim Head of School & Lead Principal K-12
Lynn May
Preschool Director and Oceanway Campus Director
Tammy Blanton
Lower School Assistant Principal & ARP Specialist
James Watts
Middle School Assistant Principal
Glenda Sirmon
School Store Director
Charles Mamallapalli
Director of Transportation Facilities
Vaughn Brown
High School Assistant Principal
Kalee Godwin
Assistant Preschool Director
John Sirmon
Athletic Director
Pushpa Mamallapalli
Preschool Teacher
Gina Scalise
Front Desk Receptionist
Danielle Cress
Preschool Teacher
Ashley Schoenfeld
Athletic Administration Assistant
Jerica Sansing
Preschool Teacher
Steffaney Bass
Director of Admissions
Jasmine Green
Kindergarten Teacher
Breianna Morgan
Middle School Admin.
Keesha Dean
First Grade Teacher
Baindu Tarawally
Preschool Teacher
Naila King
Fifth Grade Teacher
Stephanie Ponder
Lower School Admin.
Donzaleigh Gordon
Second Grade Teacher
Priscilla Roberts
Kindergarten Teacher
Erica Moyers
Fifth Grade Teacher
Alison Watkins
Kindergarten Teacher
Summer Hancock
Upper School Admin.
Mandy Tucker
Preschool Teacher
Ty King
Assistant to Head of School
Breanna Colon
Kindergarten Teacher
Mandy Jones
Preschool Teacher
Cindy Martin
Director of Student Accounts
Diane Spann
High School Bible Teacher
Melissa Swiatocha
First Grade Teacher
Bryan Rolli
High School Bible Teacher
Joe Mayfield
Fifth Grade Teacher
Rhonda Trigg
High School Science Teacher
Beth Dowling
High School English Teacher
Candace Lautzenheiser
College and Career Counselor
Kaylin Jean-Burns
Preschool Teacher
Anna Fisher
First Grade Teacher
Karen Gaylor
Sixth Grade Teacher
Chitra Jacob
High School Math Teacher
Jody Bailey
College Counselor
Dawn O'Gorman
Preschool Teacher
Lisa Hetzel
Second Grade Teacher
Jazmine Leingang
Sixth Grade Teacher
Kelsie Odum
Second Grade Teacher
Lydia Flowers
Sixth Grade Teacher
Amber Rolli
Seventh & Eighth Grade Teacher
Katherine Leuthen
Third Grade Teacher
Sherrie Boger
Preschool Resource Teacher
Ben Hetzel
Seventh & Eighth Grade Teacher
Bessie Wall
High School Spanish Teacher
Ashlyn Pilcher
Third Grade Teacher
Dawn Belanger
Seventh Grade Teacher
Margaret Cooper
Preschool Teachers Assistant
Lynette Stevens
Fourth Grade Teacher
Amy Frank
Fourth Grade Teacher
Michelle Nguyen
Accounting Specialist
Amber Armstrong
Lower School Music Teacher
Rick Montgomery
High School History Teacher
Elizabeth Ezell
Payroll Specialist
Ann Mcgee
High School Art Teacher
Becky Mamallapalli
K-8 Art Teacher
Laura Makouske
Eighth Grade Teacher
David Sexton
Seventh & Eighth Grade Teacher
Joy Bailey
K-8 Media Specialist
Sylvia Deshone
High School American Sign Language Teacher
Kyle Taylor
K-8 Physical Education Teacher
Tami Kinsman
Business Manager
Matt Hammett
High School Physical Education Teacher
Calvin Orth
Middle School Teacher
Lyndsey Hamblen
Lower School Substitute Teacher
Jennae Tuzzolo
High School English Teacher
Shannon Yates
High School Yearbook Teacher
Randi Sirmon
Speech-Language Pathologist/ESE Resource Teacher
Andrew Belanger
High School Bible Teacher
Annalise Fisher
Preschool Teachers Assistant
Robert Steiner
High School Science Teacher
Angela Brown
Front Desk Receptionist
Gordon Mckenzie
High School Math Teacher
Fred Ball
High School History Teacher
Natalie Charles
Front Desk Receptionist
Dalia Recarte Pleitez
Preschool Teachers Assistant
Wes Sapp
High School Math Teacher
Guillermo Milano
High School Sports Medicine Teacher
Hallie Roberts
Preschool Teachers Assistant
Scotty Mason
High School Substitute Teacher
Madison Del Valle
Reading Specialist
Nicole Rodriguez
Preschool Teachers Assistant
Cassidy Boyd
Worship Arts Director

Why Choose University Christian?

University Christian School vigorously pursues excellence by providing a Christ-centered education on a campus where patriotism, lifelong community, leadership and service are at the core of all we do. We take great pride in our history of building champions for Christ.

50+ Years of Devoted Service

Since 1965, University Christian School has challenged thousands of students academically while building a strong foundation spiritually.

100% Prepared For God’s Calling

Our desire is for all University Christian School graduates to be fully devoted followers of Christ that are prepared to love and lead with excellence in all that they do.

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